Sunday Night ESSM

East Side Student Ministries meets every Sunday night with games, interactive discussion.  Join us each Sunday at 5:30 p.m.

Tuesday Night ESSM

East Side Student Ministries meets on Tuesday nights with deeper interactive Bible study on Tuesday nights at 7:00 p.m.

Outreach Ministry

East Side students have the opportunity to invite friends to events throughout the year; “Fun on the Run” (Owasso, OK), Super Bowl Sunday, Dodge Ball Tournaments, Movie Nights, and much more.

Summer Activities for Youth

Summer is a time for outdoor fun! Youth experience times to gather with friends for a variety of activities. The highlight of each summer is camp! A week-long experience where campers are challenged by excellent speakers, engaged in energetic worship and build relationships through camp activities.

Latest Youth Newsletter

The Teens seemed to really enjoy the escape room. We Won! They all said they want to go again next year! It seemed like a good opportunity for parents to have some alone time for valentine's day too. So Win Win! 

1000012010.jpgSign up: 

For Patriot days!!! Last day to sign up will be March 9th. There is a paper sign up on the wall next to my office. Event details below.


     Tonight, 02-18-25 Tuesday, canceled due to snow. I encourage you to shovel the snow for your neighbors and then invite them to church. Use the business cards!

     02-20-25 Band practice is still on for now. Will keep you posted.

Bible Study
Date/Time: Tuesday (Moved to) February 25th, 
at 7:00 PM
      The Girls will be having their meeting at our house (Bring your favorite coffee mug for Hot Chocolate). The Guys will be going to Taco Bell (101 SE 29th St, Topeka, KS 66605). Leaving the church at 6:45 for the guys to get to taco bell on time. If you want to meet us directly, be there at 7:00PM. Guys will be doing chapter 4.
Please come even if you don't have the book, and invite friends.
Tuesday Nights
7:00-8:15 PM
We are in Philippians Chapter 3 this week.
Sunday Nights at 5:30-7:00 PM
The Book Of James Chapter 4

New Year New Focus

"Without Me you can do nothing."

Church Wide Focus:

John 15:5 (NKJV) “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing.


Sign up for the Bible Reading Plan:

Youth Group Focus:


"Bring them to Jesus"

Mark 2:3-5 (NKJV) 3 Then they came to Him, bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men. 4 And when they could not come near Him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. So when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying. 5 When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.”

🎹 Music Lessons 🎸
Thursdays 🥁 6:30 PM -7:30 PM
Performance dates:
     (Sunday) August 3rd Youth Service,
     (Friday) August 8th at all nighter and then Sunday (Same songs both times)
  Bring your folders to practice! Work on:
1. Revelation Song (Key D)
2. Holy Forever (Key G)
3. Graves into Gardens (Key G)

 Future Planning 

Details are fuzzy, but let's start planning!

March Teen Events:

Patriot days 

(or college days at Mission University formerly BBC)

Please come as it will be good classes and good times.

Sunday March 30th (Leaving East side at 1:30 PM) through

– Tuesday April 1st (Getting back to East side around 5:00PM)

Please bring bedding and pillows. A laptop or notebooks to take notes.

COST: Seniors – $10, Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors – $25. Bring Money for Dinner Sunday Night, and for any snacks you want.

Attire: Modest, during classes and chapel Business Casual
I'm Still figuring out if we need to get food on the way there or back. Please be patient as I gather this information.

image.pngCamp Fundraisers:

Share this link to your social media to invite people to donate to the Fundraiser.

February: Envelope Fundraiser (Currently going!)

April 27th: Dessert Auction Fundraiser

~Start planning to make desserts.

May 25th: Meal in the Park Fundraiser 5:30 PM

~Show up and serve

~ Let's grill hot dogs, and what else? maybe Chili? for chili dogs?

VBS: (June, during Sunday evening services)

Older students will have an opportunity to help with VBS this summer. It will be on Sunday Evenings in June.

Worlds of Fun trip: 

Here is what I'm thinking so far, let me know what you think.

Possible dates:

June 16, 18, 19, 23, 25, 26, 30

Time: during the day, leave early to get there by 11:00 AM Leave before Dinner and eat on the way back to save money.

Cost: Ticket $37 early bird price (I'm trying to get in contact for a cut off date for this) $70 at the gate + Lunch money (Food is expensive, I'd estimate $30)+ Parking $5 per person to help cover cost for the van)+ $15 Dinner.

I'll send a link to the early bird tickets when we decide what day we are going.

Church Camp: (Camp Siloam)

July 14th - July 18th: Week 7-Student Camp

Summer Program:

1. What should we call it?

It's a summer long Competition

2. Location: (Lake Shawnee Corner lot of SE East Edge Rd and SE Croco Rd) 39.0058242, -95.6151686

3. When :Starts June 3rd, Tuesday Evenings? 7:00 PM - 8:15 PM?

4. Preparation:  I'd like to get a couple signs made for this when we get a name.

Back To School All Nighter: August 8th Check-in at 6:30 PM - Pickup at August 9th 8:00 AM

Bring lots of friends. This will likely be the fun filled finale to the "Tribes" Summer competition program. Bring two sets of clothes as there will be water games to start (try not to wear white). There will be snacks, late dinner pizza, Breakfast with donuts, and so much fun. Cost will likely be close to $20.

How can we be a blessing?

Feel free to reach out to us with any questions, comments, or prayer requests. Click below to contact a member of our staff.

Contact Us

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 785-379-9933


4425 SE 29th St.
Topeka, KS 66605
Get Directions
